Our Team
You’ll never feel like just another patient here! We practice Slow Dentistry, built on honesty, humanity and understanding, to offer quality treatments designed for each individual patient.
To achieve this we spend as much time as necessary to overcome your concerns and doubts.
We’ll make you feel at home!

Doctor Juan Cremades Peña
Dentistry – Implantology
Doctor of Dentistry. UTECI.
1987 – 1989
Dental Prothetics. Escuela Nuestra Sra. De la Esperanza. Summer placement as laboratory apprentice.
1990 -1993 Doctor in Odontology. UTECI, Republica Dominicana. Thesis ´´Collabortion between the odontologist and the dental technician´´.
Course on Surgical Emergencies in the Dental Department. Official College of Odontologists and Stomatologists of the VI Region (Córdoba)
Rehabilitation with Telescopic Prosthetics Course. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
Theoretical-Practical Course of Prosthetic Rehabilitation on Branemark System Implants (Marbella)
Course on current coronary reconstructions on osseointegrated implant dental elements. Spanish Society of Stomatology and Dentistry (Madrid)
Up-to-date course in prosthetics from A to Z. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Spain (Almería)
Course on ´´Ataches: Mixed Prosthesis and Overdentures ´´. Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the IV Region (Córdoba)
– Update on prostheses from A to Z. Illustrious General Council of Colleges of Dentists and Stomatologists of Spain. (Madrid)
Theoretical-practical course of Periodontal Surgery. Pierre Fauchard Foundation (Madrid)
Oral Surgery Course. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Almería (Almería)
Current non-submerged implantology course. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
Continued training course in Surgery, Implant Prosthesis and Oral Rehabilitation XXIII promotion (Vitoria)
Enriched Plasma Course in Growth Factors (P.R.G.F.) (Vitoria)
1st Iberian Symposium of 3i, Natural Aesthetics and Immediate Loading: Realities of Clinical Practice. (Barcelona)
Course on Considerations of Complex Rehabilitation, Multidisciplinary Treatments, Aesthetics and Function. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
Perioformation: Practical training in Implantology (Madrid)
Course on Biomechanical Considerations in Rehabilitation on implants. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
– 1st Symposium: Prosthesis on Implants (Barcelona)
Advanced Dentistry Update Course Dental Training and Publications Sl. Dr. Rafael Plá García (Albacete)
Theoretical Practical Course, Live Surgeries Predictable techniques in sinus lift´´. Official College of Dentists of Almería (Almería)
National Symposium Osteology Valencia Regenerative techniques in oral surgery: from research to practice.´´ (Valencia)
– Theoretical-practical course of maxillary sinus elevation. (Málaga)
1994-2017 Centro Dental Dr Cremades (Vera, Almeria) – Own clinic.
1996 Luna Dental Clinic (Garrucha, Almeria)
1995 José Antonio Dental Clinic
Collaboration as a General Dentist.
1989 Pedro Echevarria Laboratory, Almeria
Prosthetic technician.

Doctor Nicolas Lopez Piernas
Dentistry – Orthodontics
University Master’s Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (3 years)
Master Damon qualification
Degree in Orthognathic Surgery and Microtonrillos Course
Master’s Degree in Lingual Orthodontics Incognito System (12 modules)
Master’s Degree in Orthodontics Damon System and straight arch (9 modules)
Degree in Dentistry
Degree Director of X-ray facilities for dental diagnostic purposes

Félix Galdón
General dentistry
2002 | Graduate in Dentistry from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Universidad of Valencia.
Member n.º 46002764 en el Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos and
Stomatologists in Valencia.
Certificate of the Director of Dental Radiodiagnosis issued by the Ilustre
Official College of Odontologists and Stomatologists of Valencia.
2005 | Certificate in Oral Surgery and Implantology given by Mr. José
Miguel Peñarrocha Diago, organised by the Department of Stomatology and
managed by the Fundación Universidad Empresa de Valencia.
2013-2014 | Master’s degree in clinical periodontology. Clinic, Dr. Gioia Elche, Alicante
2001 “I course on oral surgery” given by Dr. Miguel Peñarrocha
Diago, Dr. José María Sanchis Bielsa and Dr. Juan Guarinos.
2001 “Reconstruction of the endodontically treated tooth- taught
by Leopoldo Forner Navarro with a duration of 4 teaching hours.
2001 “Advanced course on aesthetics in perio-prosthetics and implants”.
given by Dr. Iñaki Gamborena with a duration of 8 teaching hours.
2002 “Updates in complete prostheses” given by Dr. Begoña
Oteiza Galdón and Dr. Luisa Fernández Bravo with a duration of 4 hours.
2002 “Treatment of the atrophic posterior maxilla. Options and alternatives
of treatment” given by Dr. Fernando Luengo Canto with a
duration of 4 teaching hours.
1998 “Dental Implants and Bone Remodelling of the Jaws” taught
by Dr. Miguel Peñarrocha Diago, Dr. Mª Ángeles Sánchez Garcés and Dr.
Joan Pi Urgell with a duration of 5 teaching hours.
1999 “Clinical Decision Strategies based on a Medical Model for the
Conservative treatment of dental caries” by Dr. Kenneth
1999 “Oral surgery in children” taught by Dr. Jaime Bonet Marco with a
duration of 5 teaching hours.
2002 “Symposium on Endodontics” given by Dr. Rafael Miñana
Laliga with a duration of 4 teaching hours.
2002 “Diagnostics in fixed prosthetics and its application in materials”.
taught by Dr. Javier Casas Terrón and Dr. Amparo Martínez
González with a duration of 4 teaching hours.
2002 “Implant prosthetics. Selection of abutments and systems
retentive” taught by Dr. Miguel Beltrán Andreu and Dr. Beatriz
Pellicer Amat with a duration of 4 teaching hours.

Guillermo Fernández
Surgery and implants
2015-2017 Master of Surgery and Oral Implantology
Universidad of Murcia
2010-2015 I Promotion Degree in Dentistry
Universidad of Murcia
2008-2010 Training Cycle in Oral and Dental Hygiene
I.E.S Albaida (Almería)
2005-2008 Training Cycle in Oral and Dental Hygiene
Universidad of Granada
2003-2005 Baccalaureate studies
College Compañía de María (Almería)
2000-2003 Compulsory Secondary Education
(Highschool) St. Benedict´s Prep (Newark, NJ. EEUU)

Vicente Lezama
Aesthetic dentistry
Master in clinical photography “WHEN THE PICTURES REALLY MATTER”. New York 2016
DSD Member. Digital Smile Design. DSD Residencia. 2018 – 2019
Master En Diseño Asistido Por Ordenador (CAD-CAM) 3Shape Academy 2018 – 2019
Higher Technician in Dental Prosthesis. ISFPS Claudio Galeno. 2018 – 2020
Expert in Digital Dentistry Software. Nemotec, NEMOUNIVERSITY 2019 – 2020
Advanced Certification in Invisible Orthodontic System Clear Aligner SMARTEE. 2023
Expert in Robotic Surgery Guided by Dynamic Navigation. NAVIDENT. 2022 – 2023

Roberto Robu
Assistant and hygienist

Tomas Piggins