Our Team
You’ll never feel like just another patient here! We practice Slow Dentistry, built on honesty, humanity and understanding, to offer quality treatments designed for each individual patient.
To achieve this we spend as much time as necessary to overcome your concerns and doubts.
We’ll make you feel at home!
Doctor Juan Cremades Peña
Dentistry – Implantology
Doctor of Dentistry. UTECI.
1987 – 1989
Dental Prothetics. Escuela Nuestra Sra. De la Esperanza. Summer placement as laboratory apprentice.
1990 -1993 Doctor in Odontology. UTECI, Republica Dominicana. Thesis ´´Collabortion between the odontologist and the dental technician´´.
Course on Surgical Emergencies in the Dental Department. Official College of Odontologists and Stomatologists of the VI Region (Córdoba)
Rehabilitation with Telescopic Prosthetics Course. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
Theoretical-Practical Course of Prosthetic Rehabilitation on Branemark System Implants (Marbella)
Course on current coronary reconstructions on osseointegrated implant dental elements. Spanish Society of Stomatology and Dentistry (Madrid)
Up-to-date course in prosthetics from A to Z. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Spain (Almería)
Course on ´´Ataches: Mixed Prosthesis and Overdentures ´´. Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the IV Region (Córdoba)
– Update on prostheses from A to Z. Illustrious General Council of Colleges of Dentists and Stomatologists of Spain. (Madrid)
Theoretical-practical course of Periodontal Surgery. Pierre Fauchard Foundation (Madrid)
Oral Surgery Course. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Almería (Almería)
Current non-submerged implantology course. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
Continued training course in Surgery, Implant Prosthesis and Oral Rehabilitation XXIII promotion (Vitoria)
Enriched Plasma Course in Growth Factors (P.R.G.F.) (Vitoria)
1st Iberian Symposium of 3i, Natural Aesthetics and Immediate Loading: Realities of Clinical Practice. (Barcelona)
Course on Considerations of Complex Rehabilitation, Multidisciplinary Treatments, Aesthetics and Function. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
Perioformation: Practical training in Implantology (Madrid)
Course on Biomechanical Considerations in Rehabilitation on implants. Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists (Almería)
– 1st Symposium: Prosthesis on Implants (Barcelona)
Advanced Dentistry Update Course Dental Training and Publications Sl. Dr. Rafael Plá García (Albacete)
Theoretical Practical Course, Live Surgeries Predictable techniques in sinus lift´´. Official College of Dentists of Almería (Almería)
National Symposium Osteology Valencia Regenerative techniques in oral surgery: from research to practice.´´ (Valencia)
– Theoretical-practical course of maxillary sinus elevation. (Málaga)